Gift Fund
Loan Fund
Committee of 100
New Mission Start Program
Honorary Life Memberships and Memorials
Special Gifts Fund
Building Men for Christ
One Year to Live
Men In Action
Major Events Held Each Year
During the year there are several major events held by South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission. The Annual Convention and Banquet are held in February each year. It is here that the business of the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission is conducted. Delegates and other members of units hear reports and other business is brought to the floor for consideration and vote. After the Communion Service, the banquet follows with the presentation of The Gift Fund checks to the mission churches.
The Annual Mission Breakfast is held at the Synod Assembly at 7:00 A.M. which includes a dynamic speaker.
The Cliff Bourguignon Memorial Golf Tournament is held every year. A banquet and awards program is held after the tournament. Recipients of these monies are decided each year by the golf committee. In 2000 the golf committee set up a scholarship fund at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary for a deserving South Carolina student desiring to attend the seminary and become involved in full time church work of some sort.
South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission has three awards programs. The Outstanding Unit Award is presented to those units that meet the goals outlined by the executive Committee. The Lutheran Man and Young Lutheran Man of the Year Awards are presented annually by the conferences to deserving men. The Lutheran Man Distinguished Service Award is presented annually at the convention banquet by the Executive Committee. This prestigious award is presented to no more than two men each year who have served Lutheran Men, their church and the Synod as exemplary stewards at the local and synod level.
The communication of South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission programs, activities and other information is done through the “EPISTLE”, which has three publications a year.
The backbone of South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission is the conferences’ congregational units. They are the force behind the successful programs in the Synod. Congregational units are the grass roots of South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission. They provide the organizations, funds and participation on the conference and synod levels. Their programs are wide and varied and include Bible study, guest speakers, Lutheran Men Sunday, service projects, etc.
Every dollar which is contributed to the Gift Fund, Loan Fund and New Mission Start Program is used solely for those purposes. You can be assured that all monies donated to the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission will remain in the categories designated by you. The only money that does not stay in South Carolina is the Fund for Lutheran Men in Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.