Gift Fund
SCLMM Mission Gift Fund
Definition: The dictionary gives as one of the definitions of mission - a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for financial support. Gift is defined as “something voluntarily transferred from one person to another without compensation. This is exactly what the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Gift Fund Program is all about.
Goal: The Mission Gift Fund disburses the monetary gifts of $35,000.00 or more, depending on the donations, between mission congregations in South Carolina. The Board of American Missions of the South Carolina Synod makes recommendations on the amount to be given to selected mission congregations.
We all know that the SCLMM has been a cornerstone in the development of mission congregations for many years. Now that the Synod has assumed full responsibility for Mission Churches, the SCLMM is truly a key factor in the future of Outreach and Mission Development in the South Carolina Synod. This is the time for all congregations to step up and become a Mission Partner with our newest Mission Churches.
Article I. Section 5. of the SCLMM Constitution Bylaws
The SCLMM Mission Gift Fund will be used to grant gifts to congregations in the South Carolina Synod with special needs as determined by the SCLMM Executive Committee. These gifts will be used in a manner approved by the pastor/developer and the congregational council of the recipient congregation. Prior to organization as a congregation, the use of the gifts will be approved by the pastor/developer and the Bishop of the South Carolina Synod, or the Bishop's designee(s). The recipients of these gifts and the amount of the gifts shall be determined annually by the Executive Committee. These gifts will be distributed at the Annual Convention Fellowship Banquet. Each congregation in the Synod will be assigned suggested financial goals annually as determined by the SCLMM Executive Committee to raise money for this fund. Recipients will be asked at the Annual Convention Fellowship Banquet to advise the banquet attendees how the gifts will be used by the recipient congregation.
Loan Fund
Committee of 100
New Mission Start Program
Honorary Life Memberships and Memorials
Special Gifts Fund
Building Men for Christ
One Year to Live
Men In Action
Major Events Held Each Year